Species characteristics:
Silverfish are about 1/2-inch-long, with a uniform silvery color over the top surface. Their bodies are long and slender. Silverfish are broad at their head with a gradual tapering toward their rear.

Life cycle:
Silverfish go through a three stage life cycle called gradual metamorphosis, whereas most insects have a four stage life cycle (complete metamorphosis). Silverfish can lay eggs at any time during the year. The eggs take 19-43 days to hatch. The life cycle from silverfish egg to adult is three to four months.

Silverfish prefer dark and moist environments (75 – 97% humidity). Some of their preferred habitats are basements, kitchens, sinks, bathtubs, bookcases, closet shelves, behind baseboards, wall voids, and sub-floors.
Silverfish require a large supply of starchy foods or molds to survive.
Silverfish are considered a nuisance pest because they feed on wallpaper pastes, natural textiles, books, and papers.

Areas where found:
Outside, silverfish may be found in nests. These nests can belong to other insects, birds, and mammals. They also live under tree bark and mulch. They are sometimes found in wood shingles or sidings on house.
Inside, silverfish are found just about anywhere that is dark and humid

Silverfish as pest:
Finding small irregular shaped holes in fabrics is a common sign of silverfish. Irregular     shaped holes in wallpaper are another indicator because they like to eat the glue.
Silverfish may leave a yellowish stain on fabric. Firebrats will feed extensively on rayon, whereas silverfish usually damage it only slightly.